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Blogs And Articles By Peter Paul Parker

Healing Hands

Healing Hands

December 09, 20247 min read

The Psychic Power of Healing Hands

Our hands are far more than tools for physical tasks—they are also powerful conduits for psychic energy. While we often focus on what our hands can do physically, their ability to channel and direct energy is transformative, impacting both ourselves and those we interact with.

In this post, we’ll explore how your hands can heal, balance energy, and strengthen your mind-body connection. By learning how to activate and enhance the psychic abilities of your hands, you can access a deeper level of self-awareness and holistic well-being.

"Our hands are powerful conduits for psychic energy, capable of healing, balancing energy, and strengthening the mind-body connection to enhance self-awareness and holistic well-being."

The Power of the Palm

The palms of our hands are centres of immense energy potential, reflecting all the body’s energy points.

  • Energy flow: Energy is received through the left palm and given through the right.

  • Directing healing: Placing your hand on a painful area directs energy to aid healing.

  • Nerve and marma points: With over 177,000 nerve endings and numerous marma (energy) points, the palms are both sensitive and highly receptive to energy work.

When you focus on the palms, you access a gateway to the energy pathways running through your entire being.

"The palms of our hands are powerful centres of energy, receiving energy through the left palm and giving it through the right, while also directing healing energy and connecting to over 177,000 nerve endings and numerous energy points throughout the body."

Healing with Hands

Healing with hands has been practised for centuries, bridging the gap between the physical and the energetic. This ancient practice demonstrates how:

  • Information becomes energy.

  • Emotions and thoughts manifest as physical or energetic states.

  • The mind-body connection impacts overall well-being.

Benefits of Hands-On Healing

  • Recognising energy imbalances: Address potential issues before they manifest physically.

  • Restoring harmony: Correct energy disruptions that affect physical health.

  • Encouraging self-awareness: Understand how thoughts and emotions shape biology.

"Healing with hands connects the physical and energetic realms, showing how emotions and thoughts become energy, and offers benefits like recognising energy imbalances, restoring harmony, and fostering self-awareness of how thoughts shape biology."

Illness as a Learning Process

Illness is more than a physical state—it often arises from deeper emotional and spiritual imbalances, such as:

  • Lack of love or forgiveness

  • Feelings of separation or victimhood

  • Fear of change or judgement

  • Absence of meaning or purpose in life

Healing with hands involves nurturing health rather than merely fighting disease. By addressing these underlying causes, you create a harmonious foundation for long-term well-being.

"Illness often stems from emotional and spiritual imbalances, such as lack of love, fear of change, or absence of purpose, and healing with hands nurtures health by addressing these causes for long-term well-being."

Activating the Psychic Function of Your Hands

Your hands' full psychic potential requires the integration of mental energy, emotional energy, and focused awareness.

Steps to Heal with Your Hands

  1. Focus on healing intentions.

  2. Cultivate emotions like love and well-being.

  3. Place your hands on the area needing attention.

  4. Direct thoughts and emotions to this point.

  5. Stay present and fully aware during the process.

Awareness deepens the connection between your hands and the energy they channel, allowing you to feel and direct the flow more effectively.

"Activating the psychic function of your hands involves focusing on healing intentions, cultivating emotions like love, and staying present to direct energy effectively to the area needing attention."

Exercises to Activate Psychic Abilities

Exercise 1: Drawing Psychic Energy from the Crown

  1. Visualise energy flowing from your crown to your heart, then radiating through your hands.

  2. Bring your hands together at heart level, focusing on thought, emotion and awareness.

  3. Breathe deeply and feel energy accumulating in your palms.

  4. Rub your hands together to activate the energy centres.

Exercise 2: Psychometry

  1. Charge your hands with energy by rubbing them together and focusing your mind on them.

  2. Blindfold yourself and place your hands on an unfamiliar object.

  3. Focus on the present moment and let impressions of the object’s characteristics emerge.

Exercise 3: Ethereal Massage

  1. Charge your hands with energy.

  2. Perform an ethereal massage by moving your hands just above the area needing healing.

  3. Visualise energy harmonising and healing that area.

"To activate psychic abilities, practise exercises like drawing energy from the crown to your hands, psychometry by sensing objects through touch, and ethereal massage to heal with energy-focused hands."

Enhancing Psychic Energy

Bringing your hands together at heart level not only generates energy but also integrates thought, emotion, and awareness. This is known as prayer posture, but is not religious. It is an energy connection.

  • Dual brain connection: This position links the logical left brain with the creative right brain, enhancing flow.

  • Strengthened awareness: Focusing on your hands while in this position amplifies psychic energy.

By applying awareness and focus, your hands become potent channels for healing and transformation.

FAQs About Healing Hands

What is hands-on healing?

Hands-on healing is a practice that uses the energy of the hands to address imbalances in the body, mind and spirit, promoting overall health.

Can anyone heal with their hands?

Yes! With practice and focus, anyone can activate the energy centres in their hands and learn to direct energy for healing purposes.

How does energy flow through the hands?

Energy flows into the body through the left palm, circulates through your system and exits via the right palm, allowing for a continuous exchange of energy.

Do I need to believe in psychic energy for it to work?

While belief can enhance focus and results, the energy mechanisms of the body operate regardless of one’s beliefs. Awareness and presence are key.

How often should I practise these exercises?

Daily practice, even for a few minutes, can significantly enhance your hands’ psychic abilities and energy flow.

Healing Hands And Qi Gong

Your hands are powerful tools for healing and connection. By tapping into their psychic potential, you can transform your energy, strengthen your mind-body connection, and even help others. Start exploring these practices today and experience the remarkable impact they can have on your life. At the Bright Beings Academy, we practise Qi Gong with a focus on the hands every class.

We also practise a meditation called Ji Gam. Which is a meditation where you learn to feel the energy between your hands. This is often a paradigm changer for the students who take the class. It is their first step to the realisation that they are an energy body, as well as a physical body.

Join Us For Free At The Bright Beings Academy

"Are you ready to unlock the healing power of your hands? Start with our free Qi Gong mini course to deepen your energy work and enhance your well-being. Click The link below to start your journey into the wonderful world of energy healing.

Qi Gong at the Bright Beings Academy

Enrol Here For Your Free Course

I look forward to connecting with you again very soon.

Until then, be well and keep shining.

Peter. :)

Further Reading On HSP's

If you feel you are a natural healer, you may well be highly sensitive. Highly sensitive people tend to have a rich inner world. You can find out more about being highly sensitive, and even spiritual, with further articles below.

Highly Sensitive People Have A Rich Inner World

Is HSP Bad?

HSP's Have A Hard Time Moving On

HSP's Find It Difficult To Change

HSP's Don't Do well Under Pressure

HSP's React Badly To Criticism

HSP's Can Find It Hard To Sleep

Emotional Exhaustion

Emotional Burn Out

Emotional Fatigue

Spiritual Life Coaching

Studies On Intuition:

Using Intuition As Intelligence

Intuition In Medicine

Intuition For Energy Balance

Exploring Intuition Across The Three Brains

Further Reading On Spiritual Subjects

How To Grow Spiritually

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Connection

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Therapy

Spiritual Principles



Shadow Work

Reprogramme The Subconscious Mind


Awakening Consciousness

Conscious Living

Self Realisation

Secrets Of The Third Eye

Scientific Studies On Spirituality

Spiritual Transcendence

Scientific Research On Spirituality

Neuroscience And Spirituality

Psychology And Theology

healing handshand healingenergetic healinghealing with your hands
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Peter Paul Parker

Peter Paul Parker is an energy healer, Qi Gong instructor and Dahn Master in the mind body and spirit world. With over 20 years experience, Peter is passionate about human beings realising who we are, and reaching our full potential.

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Blogs Categories By Peter Paul Parker

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This category is dedicated to Highly Sensitive Human Beings, Empaths and Intuitives. This is an incredibly difficult time for us to be here on earth. If we see this from a different perspective, it becomes a superpower and not a curse. Please find comfort and understanding in these articles I have written on the subject. You are not alone.

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Spirituality – Healing – Knowledge (General)

Spirituality, healing and knowledge is rather a broad subject. You will find something here to spark your interest for your spiritual growth. And you will find knowledge here to help you both in the material and spiritual realms.

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About Peter Paul Parker

Peter Paul Parker is a Dahn Master, energy healer and Qi Gong instructor in the mind-body-spirit world, a musician and sound healer. Chiefly, he works with both the energy and physical body. Peter is a Qi Gong champion, winning the international competition with the British Team in Korea in 2016.

Peter runs the Bright Beings Academy, which is a Qi Gong and Self Realisation School. He is also the founder and Chairman of the charity Brighter Living, providing the elderly in his local area with Qi Gong classes. Peter is based in the London Borough of Kingston upon Thames, and runs live classes in the borough. For those people who cannot get to the Borough, Peter has live classes online. You can find these at the Bright Beings Academy.

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