Are You Frequently Emotionally Exhausted?
Welcome to this article, where we ask, are you frequently emotionally exhausted? Being highly sensitive means that you experience feelings, emotions and thoughts more deeply than other people. Dealing with your own feelings, thoughts and emotions is usually enough for most people to handle. Being highly sensitive will make you an empath to a greater or lesser degree, and this means you take on other people’s problems, almost like they are your own. This leads to emotional exhaustion.
This amount of empathy is exhausting. You become exhausted. At the end of a long day, dealing with all the problems that arise for you and the people around you, it becomes harder to put these problems to bed.
They increasingly start to interrupt your rest time, so you become more and more stressed. Your brain and your nervous system cannot distinguish between a real threat or a perceived threat, and now your nervous system feels like it is under attack because of this constant pressure on you. Something will break, and that will lead to a complete collapse.
"Being highly sensitive and empathetic means taking on others' emotions, leading to emotional exhaustion as the constant stress interrupts rest and overwhelms the nervous system, potentially causing a complete collapse."
Emotional Exhaustion Causes Numbness After A While
You start to feel numb, withdrawn, or even isolated. And then you can’t cope with any else happening to you. You are close to throwing it all up in the air and walking away, but there is literally nowhere to go. It is a dilemma I have faced, being highly sensitive. This is emotionally exhausting.
This is the time when we start to react from emotional childhood wounds that have not been healed. We live in a whitewash society, where it barely breaks the surface of how to heal a problem. If these issues are left, they will come back to bite you. This happens with a reaction that may be out of character, but people label that to be you. This is a frustrating cycle.
"Emotional exhaustion can lead to numbness and isolation, causing reactions from unresolved childhood wounds, which, if left unaddressed, create a harmful cycle that can be misinterpreted by others, deepening frustration."
Recognise The Cycles That Cause Emotional Exhaustion
We are usually offered the solution to these problems as a sugar-coating. That is, to heal the symptom rather than the actual cause. When we deeply analyse what is happening with us internally, we can start to recognise the cycles and then start to work out where they came from.
We can start to sense the chemical reactions that are happening in our bodies that are causing us to act in such a manner. We can actually start to sense where our reactions are coming from, and heal them. Then we can respond to any situation in the proper manner, rather than react. There is a big difference there. One leads to trouble, the other leads to peace. You need to be able to realise that choice you have inside of you.
"By recognising the internal cycles and chemical reactions causing emotional exhaustion, we can heal underlying issues and shift from reactive to responsive behaviour, leading to peace instead of trouble."
Being Highly Reactive Can Cause Emotional Exhaustion
I remember when I was very young, just after my mother died at age 11, and I was highly reactive then. This was obviously causing me deep trauma and grief. I used to react in the most violent ways when anyone called me a bastard.
All that means is that you are born out of wedlock, and today I do not hear that word being used so much. That is good because it is a label and a judgement on someone else. I was an orphan, not a bastard and this used to really hurt me when someone called me that at school. I used to get in all sorts of trouble from my reactions when called that.
Reacting From Your Emotional Wounds Inside Of You Can Cause Emotional Exhaustion
Now I realise I was reacting from the wounds I had inside of me. I was also letting other children’s ignorance affect me in a detrimental way. My father used to say ‘stick and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ I have always remembered that, but it is hard to stick to when someone is being abusive towards you.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
Emotional Exhaustion Can Come From Anger Or Depression
Highly sensitive people’s reactions to situations can be completely the opposite. But whether you react with anger, or depression, it seems to go to the same place. Emotional exhaustion. I used to react by withdrawing from situations, where people would label me as being depressed.
Or occasionally I would explode, where people would call me over emotional. It may well be true that my reactions were extreme, but that is because I feel them so intensely inside. This does not make me a bad human being in any way. It only means that I was not using my high sensitivity to my best advantage during these moments of intense reaction. This caused me emotional exhaustion.
"Emotional exhaustion in highly sensitive people can result from extreme reactions like anger or depression, which stem from feeling emotions intensely, often due to not managing their sensitivity effectively during such moments."
What Can I Do To Help With Emotional Exhaustion?
Take time for yourself
To help with emotional exhaustion, take time for yourself. Make sure you can rest properly. Ground yourself in nature and get outside. The colour green is scientifically proven to be very healing, so get out into the forest or the woods so you can experience the healing qualities.
Find a deep breathing practise you like
Take some deep breaths and really sense how you are feeling when you are out in nature. If you are anything like me, you will be able to pinpoint where a bird is singing above your head, where a squirrel is rustling on the ground near you, or even where there is the beautiful sound of a stream running nearby. You will feel all of this more deeply than other people, so learn to appreciate it more.
Take up an energy healing art form
Learn a new energy art form like Qi Gong or Tai Chi. This will help the body to move around peacefully. When you train your body to do this, you will feel more relaxed in everyday life. It is amazing.
These three ideas will really help with emotional exhaustion. I do deal with this in my online course called the Dream Method. I cover many aspects of being highly sensitive to help you soothe the issues you are suffering from and help with your emotional exhaustion. To see the free webinar, all you need to do is click the link below. The rest is self-explanatory.

The Dream Method For Emotional Exhaustion - Click Here
I look forward to connecting with you very soon.
Until then, be well and keep shining.
Peter. :)
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Highly Sensitive People And Emotional Exhaustion
Highly sensitive people can feel the effects of emotional exhaustion much more deeply because of the nature of their biology. Here is some further reading to see if you are a highly sensitive human being.
Further Reading On HSP's
Highly Sensitive People Have A Rich Inner World
HSP's Have A Hard Time Moving On
HSP's Find It Difficult To Change
HSP's Don't Do well Under Pressure
HSP's React Badly To Criticism