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Testimonials From The Dream Method And More

Testimonials On The Dream Method And Bright Beings Academy

Let The Results Speak For Themselves

The Dream Method process comes across very well because you speak from the heart, Peter. Some people when they are speaking about a subject they are ‘very experienced’ in, just communicate from the brain and do not connect deep within themselves. Resonating with your own feelings as well shows a more genuine transferring of your knowledge and I believe goes into others at a deeper level. This is very connective and healing.

Lynn on the Dream Method

Peter is wholeheartedly, coming from the heart, his motivation is altruistic and he is not out for large monetary gain. This is a man who just simply wants to help us, the ordinary souls who quietly get wobble underneath and say nothing, to make a better fist of this crazy thing we call life. There is a pure soul out there who is waiting to support us. That is all I can say. Give it a go make your own decision.

Sylvia on the Dream Method

Coaching with you has been very supporting and helpful, Peter. The encouragement and accountability for the practice is for me a critical piece when it comes to establishing a daily movement and mindfulness practice.

You are always validating and so knowledgeable! Your warmth and professionalism make it a real pleasure to have you as my coach. I’m looking forward to becoming so familiar with the stretches, flows, and other activities that I can begin tailoring sessions for myself.  

Over time, through the practices, I am getting to know how my body is doing much more intimately, and finding out how to move to keep it well-oiled and smoothly functioning. The emotional process is healing me organically.

My natural healing intelligence is activating through the process.   In summary, I’m really loving the course and looking forward to the next part of learning!

Barbara On The Dream Method

Peters classes have been a tremendous help for me over the last two years. His classes are full of energy and positive vibes and he offers help for beginners as we as advanced trainess. The classes help me to still my mind and centre my body and focus.

My body is definitely stronger thanks to some Tai Chi and martial arts elements and more relaxed through the stretches and meditation. Peter is a great trainer, teacher and friend.

Csilla, 39, Female, Finance Professional on The Bright Beings Academy

I have been going to Peters classes for several years. I find his classes invigorating and come away feeling energised and fresh. Peter is an excellent instructor. He explains as he goes along thus making his classes informative as well as enjoyable.

Peter is also a caring and compassionate person and I always feel safe and protected in his classes.

Djati on The Bright Beings Academy

Peter and Jan’s class is great. It’s different every time and they make it fun as well. After almost three years of attending, I can really feel a difference. I’m more flexible and feel happier within myself.

Margreet Kilstra on The Bright Beings Academy

Peter is endlessly enthusiastic and this really helps my ability in the Ki Gong sessions. I have gained insight into who I really am, finding my true self through this practice, and now I understand the energy to which we are all connected.

I am really enjoying spending time on my training with Peter who has the ability to make me feel there is still so much to gain from my practice.

Jan Owen on The Bright Beings Academy

Peter is a great instructor. He is a master of body and brain and uses many principles in his teaching. He explains what he is doing and how it helps the physical body. There is a connection between the physical and mental body. He is a good leader and uses his knowledge and humour to make his classes enjoyable for all ages. A

s a musician he uses sound healing. Life can often be hectic and stressful. Bright Beings Academy will enable you to take time out for yourself and benefit yourself for future growth.

Janet Atkins on The Bright Beings Academy

Peter and Jan are amazing teachers, full of love and commitment for others. I am so happy to meet people like them who helps me and the rest of the group to feel better everyday.

Lucy Goncalves on The Bright Beings Academy

Peter and Jan’s class is quite amazing. The group that attend on Sunday are very friendly and their energy is very supportive. However you feel when you go in, you leave feeling centred and calm with energy.

They are both amazing and kind teachers. Thank you both so much.

Anttoinette Moran on The Bright Beings Academy

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