Moving Meditation - Why Is This So Important?
Moving Meditation is so important as it helps you to learn to move your body mindfully. Many people I have met through my teaching career have stiff shoulders or hips, and even hands and feet. This is because we are holding tension in our bodies. We can release this tension by using our mind, body and breath together.
This is the essence of Qi Gong and why it is so empowering for your own personal growth. When you look at a Qi Gong class from an uniformed eye, you will see a slow but sometimes pacey, moving exercise, but sometimes still, and not really understand the real benefits of what the participants are doing.
Moving Meditation With Qi Gong
Qi Gong is a healing art and came out of the Chinese Medicine 5 elements theory. The Qi Gong I teach comes from Korea and was devised by Ilchi Lee, who studied the ancient Korean art of Sundo. I have practised both, and found them to be very effective ways of connecting the mind, the body and the breath together. This is why we practice Qi Gong.
I personally loved the way I was taught, as it is fun and informative, and the seriousness taken out of it, even though you could say you should take your mind and body connection very seriously. Not to the extent where this will cause you stress as you would be missing the point. I was taught to instruct with a joyful mind, and this is good for me, and good for the class also.
Learn Moving Meditation At The Bright Beings Academy
I realise that this is not for everyone, which is fine. But I love teaching this so much, I have set up a charity to teach this to the elderly and was running around 15 classes a week before lock down, seeing about 150 people. I loved it. Now I am teaching more online. I run classes twice a week at the Bright Beings Academy, which are live and not pre-recorded.
Research has shown us that if we do not deal with stress, anxiety and even trauma, these can lead to physical ailments in the body. You can find some of the research I have looked into on my about page. This was a fundamental reason I went deeper into all of this.
Moving Meditation Helps Keep You Fit
I have found Qi Gong one of the best ways not only to keep my body fit and healthy, but also keeping my mind in good condition. Still I am in awe of how the body works, and each week, we look into different aspects of the mind body connection, to make the class experience more profound for the student.
What I Do realise is, it takes much commitment to do an online class. Even more so than going to a gym or a centre, but it is worth the effort. I still take online classes myself, and have learnt to not worry about anything else but what I am doing with my body and my mind while taking an online class.
This has helped me get as much benefit online as I did in an actual live class. Maybe you will find the same too. You can find more information about this at the Bright Beings Academy. Click the link below for your free two-week trial, where you will be sent two live class links a week. Click the link below to start your journey into Qi Gong.

Click Here For Two Weeks Free Membership
I look forward to connecting with you again very soon.
Until then, be well and keep shining.
Peter. :)
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