What Does Qi Gong Do?
What Does Qi Gong Do For You? Qi Gong Benefits
Qi Gong is a mind body spirit practise that started in South East Asia. China really is the birthplace of Qi Gong. And you also have Ki Gong which came from Korea that is also Qi Gong. Qi Gong is becoming more popular in the West because of the health benefits the healing art promises. And that is true. When you start a regular practise of Qi Gong, you will begin to feel it straight away. If you are living in the western world, you will no doubt been exposed to the three main stressors that are encompassing our society right now. And if you want to address these stressors, finding a Qi Gong practise will help you almost immediately with the physical and emotional stress. The chemical stress may take a little longer.
To sum up the practise in one sentence is difficult. This is because of the vastness of the practise. But to say it is combining the mind, the body and the breath together is a great start. It is also a workout for your mind. Rather like meditation is. You can start to focus your mind on your body and your breath even here after reading these words. Take a moment just to try to quieten your mind. It is not easy as you will find your mind drifting into the past or the future, or even the present but not on the subject in hand. You can train your mind.
Qi Gong is an amazing way to do this. It is simple to start and difficult to master. You will always find a challenge in the practise. You will also find quick wins, where you can celebrate the power you are bringing to your mind and body through the practise.
The Key Benefits
Here we list some of the major benefits a regular practise of Qi Gong can give you.
Qi Gong For Brain Sensitising
Sensitising your brain to your body is such a foundational aspect to this practise. Learning to be with your body in the moment is being highlighted as a major problem with the way humans live on the planet today. We are becoming detached from our bodies. When you realise your body is your vehicle, your mind starts to change. You start to realise you should be looking after your vehicle. Because your body is amazing. Your body is the most sophisticated piece of machinery on the planet. And all the money and resources could not recreate your body today. And your experience is also unique. This makes you precious and unique. Qi Gong will help you on this path to self realisation. This is really sensitising your brain to your body.
With the practise I teach, you will learn Ji Gam. This is an energy meditation. You sensitise your brain to not only your body, but the electromagnetic body that surrounds your body. You will begin to feel that energy in the form of a magnetic feeling, and pulling or pushing feeling. Or even a breezy feeling. When I see people feel this for the first time, it really is a paradigm changer for them. They realise that they are not only matter, but an energy that creates that matter. You begin to realise what the scientists talk about when they say ‘Energy Creates Matter‘.
Qi Gong For Brain Versatility
Making our brain more versatile is another key aspect to this practise. Now we are discovering through neuroscience that the body and the brain need to be working together to create balance, versatility and health. When your body and brain connection becomes stronger, your brain becomes more versatile. This means that you can take on new things with an open mind. Basically, you can do new tasks and procedures more easily. Because you are not stuck in the sympathetic nervous system because of your practise of Qi Gong, learning new things becomes much easier. Your brain becomes more versatile. This is key to a successful life.
Qi Gong For Mastering Your Brain And Your Body
When you practise for a while, you learn so much about your body. You find where you hold your stress. You also learn how to soothe your stress through movement and focus. This is so empowering. With the human population getting sicker by the day, you can start to take control back of your health. Allowing the energy to flow through your body is crucial to a healthy body and mind. When you start to master your energy, you learn to deal with stress, anxiety and depression much more effectively.
Top 3 Qi Gong Benefits
We live in a very stressful world, which causes us untold damage. We have physical, emotional and chemical stresses on the body. Qi Gong is amazing for helping with stress.
Top 3 Qi Gong Benefits For Today's World
Is Qi Gong good for dealing with stress?
We live in a very stressful world at the moment. And stress is affecting virtually everyone on earth. Qi Gong is remarkable at dealing with stress. Qi Gong helps you to calm the nervous system and allow your body to work as it should.
Can Qi Gong help with anxiety?
When you think about your mind, what do you observe? You observe a time traveller going into the past, into the future and sometimes in the present. Qi Gong helps to bring the mind into the present, which really helps to stop the feelings of anxiety very quickly.
Is Qi Gong good for depression?
Not only speaking from my experience, but my students also, Qi Gong really helps with depression. When you practise Qi Gong, you learn to focus the mind. This helps you to actually focus on the life you want after practising for a while. Qi Gong improves your focus too.
What Other Benefits Does Qi Gong Have?
Helps with chronic fatigue
This is becoming a common problem in our world today. And this needs to be addressed. When you suffer from this, it can be really difficult to almost impossible to function well in every day life. Qi Gong can really help you with this.
Improves well-being in cancer patients
Treatment for cancer can cause chemical stress on the body. This together with the emotional stress can be unbearably. When our body isn’t working properly, Qi Gong can help to remedy that. It can be an amazing supplement for any treatment given. It can be emotionally draining when you are suffering with cancer. Qi Gong can help.
Boosts your immune response
Your immune system is such an important line of defence in todays difficult world. Some would say we live in a toxic environment. I would agree. What you must do is help your immune system to be healthy. This you enteric nervous system, which is in your gut. We do many practises to stimulate your gut, warm the area up, and boost your immune system. A Qi Gong exercise a day keeps the Doctor away.
Qi Gong benefits for sleep
Qi Gong has many benefits for sleep. But the most important benefits is that the practise teaches the body to come down into a restful state every time we practise. It is balancing the energy in the body that Qi Gong does, and this helps with restful sleep.
Once you learn the practise of Qi Gong and feel the benefits, you can create a routine for yourself before attempting to sleep. There are many sequences for this in the Bright Beings Academy.
Helps to elevate your mood
One of the many Qi Gong benefits is that it really does elevate your mood. I remember when I first started my practise and I used to go to my local centre feeling stressed and in a bad mood. I never left the class in that same mood. It always elevated my mood.
Your physical bodies has so many chemical reactions happening in it, they need to be regulated. Balancing the energy running around the body helps to regulate your physical body. This helps to inspire you to keep going onto bigger and better things.
Helps to clear pain problems in the body
Personally, I have two incidents to share here. When I was in my twenties, I had a serious motorbike accident, where I fractured my elbow and collar bone. These areas of my body used to ache terribly in the cold weather. Since taking up Qi Gong, this ache has disappeared.
When I was even younger, I was in a practise rugby scrum. This was against a scrum machine and I was at the front. When all the kids in the scrum behind me pushed hard, my back bent round and damaged my lower back. I have had trouble with this all my adult life. Since taking up Qi Gong, the problem has disappeared.
Qi Gong benefits for connecting with your higher self
As mentioned earlier, our bodies have chemical reactions in them. And when these reactions are left to fester, they become stagnant. This energy is no good for you. Our energy tends to rise internally to the pineal gland, which has piezoelectric properties. This means that it turns chemical energy into electricity.
If the chemical energy has not been cleansed, this can lead to you being foggy in the head. This to can happen when you have too much information in the head. Qi Gong will clean up that chemical energy in your body so your pineal gland, your 6th chakra works as nature intended. You natural wisdom, vision and intuition will shine through.
Where Can I Learn Qi Gong?
We have two classes a week at the Bright Beings Academy. And there is much more value if you choose one of the higher levels of membership. All memberships are very affordable, so you can get Qi Gong into your daily practise quickly. Click the link below to see what the membership can offer you.
Click the link below to start your two-week free trial at the Bright Beings Academy.

Learn Qi Gong at the Bright Beings Academy
I look forward to connecting with you again soon.
Until then, be well and keep shining.
Peter. :)
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