Does Qi Gong Really Work?
Does Qi Gong Really Work?
Asking does Qi Gong really work is a very good question. You should be sceptical in todays world. But the studies show that Qi Gong does actually work. And what should be remarkable to you is that we ran a study in our local area in community centres and came up with the same results as many of the studies done. More on that later. To think about this in the proper way, you need to understand what Qi Gong is. It is a universal term for many different modalities. And all of those modalities can be termed in different ways. Meditation, exercise and breathing can all be put under the umbrella of Qi Gong. It is an enormous umbrella.
With that being said, if you are looking for scientific proof whether Qi Gong works, there is so much scientific proof now that it does. Just check out my website under scientific proof and you will find many studies there. It helped me convince my mind that it actually works. I am sure it will help you. With an open mind, and a willing heart, you too can find the benefits of Qi Gong. Like one of my clients said the other day, ‘This really gets you on the path to self realisation.‘
Having The Right Mindset
When you practise Qi Gong, you must have the right mindset. Basically, Qi Gong can be simplified into saying it is focusing your mind on your body and your breath. Additionally, you could say it is a workout for your mind, as well as your body. Focusing your mind can be very difficult in today's world. Basically, this is because of all the distractions that are there to keep your mind occupied and distracted. When you practise focusing your mind on your body and your breath, your focus will improve. However, many other brain functions will improve also. All of this helps you to get back to your natural state. And that is part of the Bright Beings Academy vision statement.
Obviously, it goes without saying, if you have a bad mindset going into your practise of Qi Gong, this will not be so effective for you. For stress and anxiety, most people feel the benefits almost straight away when they focus their mind on their breath. And breathe as deeply as they can into their lower abdomen. If you can follow the guidance of the teacher, you should have no problem feeling the benefits of Qi Gong straight away, almost.
Does Qi Gong Really Work? Yes – Here Is The Proof!
We ran an impact report for the elderly through my charity, Brighter Living. You can see the results for yourself if you have a look. Basically, we monitored the results of the classes provided over the course of a year in several community centres. The studied was orchestrated by a Doctor and the results were amazing. It was a total success. Click the link below for the Brighter Living Impact Report.
Do You Want Qi Gong To Work For You?
You can learn the art of Qi Gong at the Bright Beings Academy. There are online classes with live instructors. Resources are abundant for you to find specific exercises for your needs. Basically, there is everything you need to take up the ancient healing art of Qi Gong. All you need to do is click the below and start your free trial today of the Academy.
Click The Link Below To Visit The Bright Beings Academy.

Two Weeks Free Trial Available.
Increased Flexibility – More Stamina – Better Connection With Your Mind, Body And Soul.
Learn Qi Gong At The Bright Beings Academy
I look forward to connecting with you in my next post.
Until then, be well and keep shining.
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